Enrolling for the Nigerian National Identification Number (NIN) and Bank Verification Number (BVN)

Why Enrolling for the Nigerian National Identification Number (NIN) and Bank Verification Number (BVN) is Essential in the United States


For Nigerian citizens living in the United States, obtaining your National Identification Number (NIN) and Bank Verification Number (BVN) is a crucial step in maintaining connection with your home country. These identification systems not only streamline financial transactions but are also a vital link to various services and opportunities provided by the Nigerian government. This article aims to shed light on the importance of enrolling for the NIN and BVN whilst in the United States.

The Importance of NIN and BVN

National Identification Number (NIN)

The NIN is a unique set of eleven digits assigned to every Nigerian citizen and legal resident from the age of 16 by the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC). Here are the reasons why you should register for NIN:

  • Identity Verification: The NIN serves as a valid means of identity in Nigeria and can be used for travel, applying for a passport, driver’s license, and voter’s card.

  • Access to Government Services: To access certain government services such as social security, you need a NIN.

  • Security and Fraud Prevention: The NIN helps in enhancing security and reducing identity fraud.

Bank Verification Number (BVN)

BVN is a biometric identification system implemented by the Central Bank of Nigeria to curb illegal banking transactions. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Protects Your Bank Account: The BVN secures your bank account from unauthorized access.

  • Simplifies Banking Operations: The BVN makes banking operations such as transfers, deposits and withdrawals more seamless.

  • Access to Financial Services: Without a BVN, you may be denied access to certain financial services.

How to Enroll for NIN and BVN in the United States

Enrolling for NIN and BVN in the United States is a simple process:

  1. NIN Registration: Visit the NIMC official website, download and fill out the pre-enrollment form. Once this is done, proceed to the nearest NIMC Enrollment Center to finalize the process. Everest Point LLC is one of NIMC licensed verification and approved enrollment agents

  2. BVN Registration: To enroll for BVN, you need to visit an accredited Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc (NIBSS) partner outlet in the United States. Fill out the BVN enrollment form and submit it at these outlets. At Everest Point LLC, we’re approved agent for BVN enrollment.


While living in the United States, maintaining your Nigerian identity through the NIN and BVN is essential. It links you with your home country, secures your financial transactions, and grants you access to numerous services. Therefore, if you haven’t done so, take out time to enroll for your NIN and BVN today. Contact Everest Point LLC for your NIN and BVN in United States.