Enroll For Your

National Identification Number (NIN)

Everest Point LLC is one of NIMC licensed verification and approved enrollment agents.

Enroll for BVN and NIN

We provide Bank Verification Number (BVN) and National Identification Number (NIN) for Nigerians in Diaspora.


The Bank Verification Number (BVN) is a program established by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to enhance confidence in the Nigerian banking sector and secure customers’ transactions. The BVN system uses a person’s physiological or behavioral attributes, such as fingerprints or signatures, to identify and verify their identity. The unique BVN is accepted as a means of identification across all banking systems.

The significance of BVN has increased as conventional security systems, such as tokens, passwords, and Personal Identification Numbers (PINs), have proven to be vulnerable to lapses.

Get NIN in US. Nigeria national Identification Number


Upon successful enrollment, an individual is assigned a National Identification Number (NIN), which is a unique set of numbers. Enrolment involves the collection of the individual’s demographic data, as well as the capture of ten fingerprints, a head-to-shoulder facial picture, and a digital signature. This information is used to verify that there is no previous record of the same data in the National Identity Database.

After the de-duplication process is complete, the data is stored with a unique NIN that has been assigned to it. Once issued to an individual, the NIN cannot be issued again, even in the event of the individual’s death. The NIN serves to link all records associated with an individual in the database and is used to verify their identity.